About Us

The Finnish Rose Society was founded in 1989. Today the Society has around 900 members from all over the country. 

Member activities are mainly organised on a local or regional level, as the long distances within the country makes it difficult for members to meet regularly on a national level. Instead, local groups work together to organize meetings and group visits to local rose gardens. Many also arrange group tours to public and private rose gardens in other regions or countries.  

Four times a year the members receive the journal Rosenbladet . The journal presents interesting stories on various aspects of growing roses i Finnish and Swedish. In a country like Finland where it is difficult for members to meet in person, Rosenbladet is an important connecting link. 

Important is also the Facebook page ”Ruusukeskustelua”, where anyone with an interest in roses can take part and discuss various aspects of growing roses and especially growing roses in a harsh climate. 

The Finnish climate  sets specific limits on which types of roses can be grown here. Consequently, the main focus for many Finnish rose lovers is on shrub roses, and especially on those that have been found to survive our winters without needing a great deal of protection from the cold. 

What’s in a name?

The official registered name for the Finnish Rose Society is Suomen Ruususeura ry, Finska Rosensällskapet rf.  The double name comes from the fact that Finland has two official languages: Finnish and Swedish. The Society is bilingual, meaning our members include speakers of both Finnish and Swedish, and both languages are used in the activities of the society. The journal Rosenbladet also publishes stories in both languages.

The Society is governed by a board consisting of the chairperson, a vice-chairperson and seven board members.  The membership fee in the Society is 30€/year.

Juhannusmorsian 2002
'Juhannusmorsian' (The Midsummer Bride)